Crushing Costs +
Capturing Carbon:
Next-Gen Material Processing
We have developed a revolutionary tech that
breaks rock with CO₂ while locking it away.
We break mining ore (and other materials)
with CO₂.
We’re turning a major industrial challenge into a climate opportunity.
Our CO2 Pulverization technology breaks rock while permanently sequestering CO₂, drastically reducing comminution energy consumption and removing the need for grinding media. Its applications go beyond mining—offering transformative benefits for cement, recycling, and other high-energy industries committed to decarbonization.
“In all of the mining, milling, smelting and refining processes, comminution is by far the largest energy consumer. It is estimated to consume 3-4% of all electric power generated in the world, which translates into high costs and greenhouse gas production.”
— Natural Resources Canda
How it works
Our CO2 Pulverization technology has produced estimates of energy savings of up to 55% for certain ores compared to traditional comminution systems. We are in the process of experimenting with more mineral ores at different operational parameters.
Advantages of
CO2 Pulverization
CO₂ Capture + Comminution
Because we work in a pressurized CO₂ environment, we are able to accelerate carbon mineralization (locking carbon forever in our tailings) with certain ores. Not to mention that we can use CO₂ sourced from the air or industrial sources.
No Grinding Media
A key differentiator of our technology is that we do not require grinding media to break material, therefore saving in operational costs, energy and GHG emissions.
Water Optional
By default, CO2 Pulverization is a dry process. However, we are currently exploring adding significantly less water than traditional systems that could expand our operability.
Selective Comminution
We are observing early evidence that our technology breaks ore along grain boundaries; if proven, this could help extract minerals easier and cheaper.
Inverse Energy Curve
We are observing evidence of less energy required to create smaller particles. This is opposite of what traditional comminution media experiences, requiring more energy as particles are needed to break at smaller sizes.
No Gravity Required
Future studies will focus on space mining applications as our process does not require gravity to operate.
Frequently Answered Questions
We exploit the fact that rocks are 10 times weaker under tension than they are under compression. Our CO2 Pulverization technology, promotes tensile breakage by using CO₂ as a working fluid that fractures rock from within. This is achieved as a grinding process in a mine under a closed-loop, pressurized vessel where thermodynamic variations of pressure and temperature cause this tensile pulverization.
Our comminution technology does not use mechanical means of breaking rock, thus it does away with grinding media like steel balls, rods or liners currently utilized in most grinding equipment. This results in net energy savings and green house gases (GHG) reduction. Also, the current variation of our technology does not use water although we are studying “wet approaches” for process optimization for certain materials.
Not at all; completely different technologies, purpose and by-products. Fracking is the injection of gas/fluids into bedrock that causes fractures that in turn, liberates trapped gas/oil (with serious environmental consequences). Our technology is a rock grinding technology (particle reduction) that is applied to the ore that has been extracted from mines, and that aims to liberate minerals at a lower energy and GHG thresholds compared to existing grinding technologies (our latest estimates point to 55% energy savings). Furthermore, because our technology operates in a closed-loop, pressurized CO₂ environment, we are observing early evidence of carbon sequestration with certain ores as a desirable by-product.
Our technology operates as a closed-loop system and recirculates the CO₂ used in the process.
As a breakthrough energy innovation, we are still in a prototype/R&D phase discovering and learning the capabilities and limitations of this technology; however we expect to deploy the first industrial pilot in 2027.
Natural Resources Canada, Innovate BC, Chrysalix Ventures, BHP, BC Hydro and the Government of South Australia.
The technology was born out of the need of reducing energy utilization during the comminution process (particle reduction) in mining which is responsible for 3% of global electricity consumption. Our waterless process is estimated to reduce energy consumption by half when compared to traditional comminution equipment used today. An additional environmental benefit we are observing in recent experiments is the evidence of carbon sequestration occurring in certain ores.
Yes, since our technology does not need gravity to operate. We are now in early discussions with some research centres in Canada and Australia to explore space mining and recycling applications.
Yes. If interested please get in touch for further details.
Currently looking for investors for our first pilot. Interested?
Get in touch!
Rockburst Technologies Inc.
800-525 West 8th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1C6